Pyroplex Pressure Exerting Sealant is a new intumescent based solution that compliments the current range of service penetration sealing systems that Pyroplex offer. This allows Pyroplex to offer solutions for fire stopping plastic flammable pipes from 20mm- 400mm in diameter, all of which have European Classification.
Pyroplex Pressure Exerting Sealant is an intumescent based sealant that expands multi directionally when exposed to elevated temperatures, exerting pressure to seal and prevent the passage of fire and smoke through service penetrations.
Pyroplex Pressure Exerting Sealant has been specifically designed for:
- Internal use only.
- Sealing around small bore plastic flammable pipes up to 55mm in diameter, including PVC, PE, PP and ABS.
- Sealing around metallic services including partial penetrations.
- Sealing around single and bunched cable tray applications.
It is ideal for use around small pipes where it is not possible to fit a Pyroplex Pipe Collar or a Pyroplex Pipe Wrap. Pyroplex Pressure Exerting Sealant is tested to BS EN 1366-3: 2009 and has a European Classification EI240 in accordance with BS EN 13501-2: 2007 + A1: 2009.